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About student networks

In many European university cities, there are independent student networks which provide Internet access for tenants in the dormitories, look after the technical equipment and sometimes take over the administration completely on their own. This site aims to collect information about as many of these networks as possible and to serve the networks themselves as a presentation and communication platform.

This also promotes the cooperation of the individual student networks and joint projects, such as the annual student network meeting "SNT", Voice-over-IP solutions or streaming, deepen the contacts.

The SNT originally started out as an gathering of german student networks. Hence the acronym SNT which comes form the german "Studierendennetztreffen". Since SNT 2017, we expanded our network internationally - with guests from Prague being the first ones to join! In the following year, SNT 2018 was hosted in Prague and for SNT 2019 we were guests in Bratislava!


SNT2024 location announcement (2023-09-03)

The CSN announced at the SNT2023, they will host the SNT2024 in Chemnitz.

SNT2023 in Dresden, Germany (2023-03-07)

The SNT 2023 will take place in Dresden and is hosted by AG DSN.

About this Website

This site used to be a Dokuwiki based wiki. Due to limited administrative resources, it was later migrated to this Material for MkDocs based site. If you want to add or change content here, feel free to create a pull request on our GitHub repository!